The Low Road
The Low Road is a cheap independent game released by XGen Studios in adventure and click to play style in 2017 for PCs and Nintendo Switch.
The story of the game is happening in the mid of 1970s , where we will become familiar with the main character , Noomi Kovaks. A girl who , after passing various training in spying and intelligence because of being a woman , could not afford a decent job in the government (The operation area of this section is considered to be a heavy task). As a result of this, Ms. Kovaks got work in a private car company and continued her tedious life being under the supervision of an experienced agent , Turn. The daily work of Kovaks was extracting information from individuals by using scheduled phone calls. This tedious process continues until she finally decides to get rid of this tedious job in any way and to enter into the operational area. For doing this , she must have at least two years of experience in his tedious work!
Overall the story of the game is really awesome. The creators are inspired by the story of Lucas Arts titles. The most important common feature between The Low Road and the games of the company is the extraordinary verbal satire that goes on in dialogues and this is interesting.
The gameplay goes exactly within the framework of the standard adventure game. Special riddles and choices of dialogues. In the selection section of the dialogues , the game has come up with an interesting trend. Unlike Detroit and the works of David Cage , despite the relatively broad and varied choices available for advancement of conversations , the game does not offer a widespread twist on various choices , and you do not actually see so much versatility in the storyline. Instead , the game choices change two factors.
The first factor is comic play. The game is so funny and by choosing more ridiculous and more disturbing dialogues , you can make things worse for yourself and laugh more. Most of the answers usually end to a single result , but the way you arrange the dialogs in different choices will always have several different ways to laugh at the existing situation. However , if your choices are really out of the mainstream cycle of the story , the game ends in a surprising move in front of you. In several short texts , game describes the fate of characters of the game based on your mistake and finally comes back to the last Load screen before you choose to make the choice better this time.
And about the puzzles , in fact we do not have such clever puzzles. In this section , the mini games use hands free mode for gameplay , and you control the main character right hand with the mouse , and with a button you can select to control it , take it , check it or move it from one side to another side! The game offers a lot of mini games , but the most challenging and funniest of them is just two mini games.
In the end , I should say the game has a big problem which is , its short story ; the game only contains 6 chapters that you can finish them so quickly! However , if you like puzzle adventure games that make you laugh a lot and also amuse you by playing , do not forget to play this game …