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    Rate this article "Review: Run The Joint"

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    MrRiddick, 27 january 2018 19:57

    Review: Run The Joint

    A prisoner who escaped from prison, who does not have a body, but has only a head, runs and jumps in various locations, simultaneously collecting objects hanging in the air and coins. He travels not alone - he is pursued by a weight attached to him, although how someone managed to fix it, we will not know. How remains a mystery and the plot, which is not disclosed here at all.

    Run The Joint - this is a typical amateur project, made "on the knee" and has a lot of roughness. The task of the player is to complete the missions, and in all you need to run from point A to point B, trying not to perish. The missions are divided into several stages, which end with the usual blackout - no battles with the boss, no roulettes with random prizes. Passed - well done, go on. 

    Since the Run The Joint is not one, but just two main characters, and even tied to each other, the gameplay is significantly different from the usual platformers. When you click on the right half of the screen, a person jumps, and on the left - a weight. Running forward, both characters themselves, so that the user has to carefully monitor when and who to jump.

    Such mechanics inevitably leads to situations when one hero runs along the upper platform, and the second remains below. In this way, both collect all the available items on the location, and the player gets the best result among all possible. Especially this tactic will come in handy when collecting collectibles, made here in the form of ice cream on a stick. However, for the passage of levels at 100% no bonuses are issued.

    On the way of the former prisoner there are various obstacles, including chasms and obstacles. At later levels, police appear (similarly shaped, but dressed in uniform), helicopters and rockets begin to fly, - in general, the hero is clearly declared wanted and is trying to catch every effort. On the opponents you can jump or jump completely through them and run further - the result will be the same. From the destruction of enemies there is no pleasure, because the game does not reward anything for it. 

    If the character still perishes, for his resurrection you will need to pay the gold coins collected as you pass. Resurrect a prisoner at the starting point of the same stage, without starting the whole level again. With each new death, you will have to pay more and more virtual money.

    The fact is that the structure of the levels here is completely unintelligible. There is a feeling that the developers took the existing elements such as platforms and opponents and placed them at random. The gaps between the platforms are either too small or too large. Enemies are standing in hard-to-reach places, it is unlikely to kill even an inattentive player. Coins to collect too simply, as well as collectible items. 

    Run The Joint does not encourage the user for his work, and when he is not praised for his efforts, he inevitably begins to look for flaws in the gameplay. And they can be seen everywhere, because the product looks more like an alpha version than the final release: a ridiculous interface, trivial levels with a silly design, poor soundtracks and a criminally small amount of content.

    With the latter you can argue - they say, the game is distributed on a shareware model. Indeed, it is possible to pass it from start to finish without any restrictions. But for this you have to watch every three minutes on the screen advertising, the disconnection of which costs 59 rubles. Videos, fortunately, do not show, but the pop-ups are full here. 

    The same amount is asked for each additional character, only the appearance of the prisoner changes without adding any abilities, and the weight is always the same. For what they are asking for 59 rubles - is completely incomprehensible. Fortunately, having paid 100 coins, you can get a random hero as a gift and save money.

    The developers of Run The Joint had a good idea (although it was implemented more than once), but the execution was at the level of amateur low-quality projects. On mobile devices, there are much more exciting platformers with much more content. And we do not recommend spending time on this imperfection. 

    Rate: 4/10

    Rate this article Review: Run The Joint

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    decent game for me :)

    17 march 2019 12:17