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    Rate this article "Paladins : Should you give this free game a try?"

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    JohnAricsson, 17 march 2018 06:51

    Paladins : Should you give this free game a try?

    Paladins: Champions of the Realm, A free to play hero shooter game, developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios, is a great game in general. Paladins took inspiration from Team fortress 2. Since Paladins got released on steam platform, it became a popular free to play steam game.

    People across the world often argue about Paladins is a rip off of Overwatch. You can find many articles on the internet about rather Paladins is a rip off of the (insanely popular game) Overwatch. Personally I don’t even care, I just play for fun and I find Paladins a really good game. Even though Paladins is free to play, the game is well made and very good in general. You need not a gaming pc in order to play Paladins like you do when you are playing Overwatch.


    This is the minimum requirement to play Paladins-

    • CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz.
    • OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
    • VIDEO CARD: ATI or Nvidia graphics card with 512MB video ram or better and Shader Model 3.0+ support. ( ...
    • SOUND CARD: DirectX compatible sound card.

    Mostly, everyone can run Paladins (even if they have low end pc) and run the game very smoothly as the game is well made.


    Paladins gameplay is simple and pretty easy to get the hang of it right off the bat. Paladins has 4 roles that you can play-





    Each role has a significant role in order to win a game. Most people often instalock their champion because either they just want to play their favorite champion or they just don’t know what to do in a certain role. But a Paladins match needs all 4 of these role in order to win. Paladins needs to give tutorials to new player and teach them how each role works and what to do in a specific role. But the tutorial Paladins gives to us is what we already know, if we are not new to shooter games. In game, you can choose your cards and loadout according to the champions that your enemy is playing.  Also Paladins has auto purchase items option just in case if you don’t know what to buy in game. With a little bit of knowledge and skill, rest of the game can be a lot fun.  Unfortunately, the game lacks depth as it’s very very simple and easy to play.  There are only 2 gamemodes.

    Deathmatch- Rule is simple. Just eliminate the enemy.

    Siege- Siege has 3 sub-gamemodes.

    Unbound siege-  Capture the objective and then push the paylord.

    Competitive- Battle your way to the top of the realm with the classic siege ruleset. But you have to be level15+ and must have at least 12 characters in order to play it.

    Classic siege- Same siege mode but have restricted card levels.



    Champions are the basically the characters that you play in game. Each champion has it’s unique skills and uses cards to improve their in game performance. Aforesaid Paladins has 4 roles that you can play. That means Paladins champions are also divided into the 4 specific roles.  5 Champions are given free by default, 4 are added temporarily from champion rotation. Rest of the champions can be purchased by gold or crystals. Golds are the in game currency that you get after playing a game of Paladins. Crystals are the premium in game currency that can be bought by real money.

    Every champion has 4 unique abilities and a special ability. Champion abilities can be learned in game or from Champion section in the main menu.

    Paladins has-

    *Frontline champions-Ash, Barik, Fernando, Inara, Makoa, Ruckus, Terminus, Torvald as Frontline champions.

    *Damage champions- Bomb King, Cassie, Dragoz, Kinessa, Lian, Sha Lin, Strix, Tyra, Viktor, Vivian, Willo as damage champions.

    *Support- Grohk, Grover, Jenos, Mal’Damba, Pip, Seris, Ying as support champions.

    *Flank- Androxus, Buck, Evie, Lex, Maeve, Moji, Skye, Talus, Zhin as Flank champions.

    Champions can be customized uniquely and accessories can be bought from the store. Each champion’s abilities are easy to pick up as well as the gameplay. So it can be very fun all day long to play Paladins.

    Cards, Voice commands, Updates, Rewards&chests

    Cards- Cards system in Paladins is really unique and good. Cards are used to improve champion’s stats. Play games and earn more cards, get cards                       

    from chest too. Use the cards to boost your performance in the game.      

    Rewards- Reward system is good. Every now and then you get chests from match which gives you cards and other stuffs. There are also quest that you can complete to get rewards.

    Voice command- Voice commands are really cool but I  just forget everytime to use them.

    Updates-  Game developers updates the game now and then and releases patches to fix bugs and other things like that.


    Hell yah… I utterly recommend playing this game. I am just addicted to this game and I only started few days ago. It’s fun to play the game and keep myself fresh everyday and its free. So try it out at least.




    Rate this article Paladins : Should you give this free game a try?

    (4.17/5) 6 rates


    I don't exactly remeber what patch make this verry well made game pay to win, but it ruined it for me. It was OB64? i don't remeber... Was a fun game , i played with my boys when it was just free to play.

    9 july 2018 21:06

    for help u should play in it 5+ match before say not good game because first 5 matchs be with NOOBS

    20 march 2018 19:07

    This game is pretty good besides the part where the graphics arent the best and there iant really any voice chat which sucks

    26 march 2018 18:14