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    Rate this article "Himawari: The Sunflower"

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    Janoka88, 28 september 2017 14:49

    Himawari: The Sunflower

    Himawari: The Sunflower review.

    Himawari: The Sunflower features dramas, humor, great twists and great characters.

    the Himawari: The Sunflower went through a long way to get to PC. It was first released by blank-note in 2007 and then the Frontwing remake to PSP in 2015 and PC at the end of last year and as a common child of Frontwing and blank-note.

    But what is this game? Well, it's a visual novel, so it's not a game in a strict sense. Although there is a streaming video in it, Himawari is actually beautifully drawn stills, while the gameplay itself means clearing the text and reading a lot. There is a lot of reading, if you want to wrap all of the storylines, you'll have to take a loose 30 hours.

    The story actually begins with a catastrophe, when a high-mover airliner crashes. There is one survivor, Hinata Youichi, who has been living a new life with an amnesia but a new life since the accident. Two years later, in 2050, he founded the Space Club Amamiya Daigo, a hero astronaut (he was the first Japanese on the Moon), Amamiya Daigo son. Their lives take on another turning point when an unidentified flying object flies near their town, aboard the mysterious, also amniotic Ariess.

    Well, all that is worth telling about the story, because everything else would be a serious blow to the enjoyment. There can be no other thing to say than to play it, that is to say, to read it. Himawari is a very strong character, the characters - unfortunately, story stories are sometimes lurking at them, but the characters (especially Aqua) are forgiving, and we also forgive the most dreadful parts, and we even lose sight of the most complex sections.

    Characters move this whole thing because they are beautifully written. There is something you want to get rid of from your past, another point you want to know. There is one that builds his future, and it happens that we run into someone who has no future.

    The story would be difficult to define genres because it is all here. Basically, science-fiction, indeed, a whole realistic sci-fi, is not too loose from our world, but apparently it will be in the future. Whatever the program is, the humor, will laugh a lot for those who are going through this visual novel. Which is good because sometimes the story is very gloomy (meaning shameless), and this humor is very good. Besides, there are still plenty of drama, many mystics, and of course romance. In addition, none of them have been put into the story with touches, but with very serious threads.

    Rate this article Himawari: The Sunflower

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    I don't know, read it. 😉

    4 october 2017 13:51

    Figured as much.🚼

    3 october 2017 15:26

    Visual novel games are terrible. But without them, we would've never had the anime A world God only knows, and because of that, I thank them for their existance.

    2 october 2017 13:24