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    Emilisish, 18 november 2017 16:43

    Free games worth taking a look at

    So this is some of my favorite free games that I think is worth taking a look at :)

    I think I'm not the only person out there always on a the hunt for a new game to play, and which sometimes takes a look at free games.
    And yes, there is a ton of bad games on the market, so here is some of the games I can recommend from my own experience.

    So here I will put  two games I have tried recently and can say are kinda enjoyable.

    If you haven't already heard about this game *cough* (it's on this site and Steam too), I can recommend you taking a look at it since it's actually a really nice game.
    The game is about cars shooting cars, yes I know, how weird. It's a game where you fight another team (bots or live players) and you get rewarded for how good you did.
    This game is not for you if you hate grinding multiplayer games, but I can say I hate both and I still quite enjoy it for what it have given me so far.

    - Nice grapichs
    - Fun with friends and alone
    - Feels rewarding when you finally get the item you have worked for

    - Much grinding
    - Microtransactions (Guess it can be good too if you rather not grind for hours)
    - Some players can be a little annoying, but it's not that bad

    A normal free shooter game, can't say too much about it since I have only been in it for some hours. 
    It's not super fun, but it's enjoyable enough with friends. And your character have superpowers and can take a shot to the head XD

    - Good for what it is

    - Gets boring fast

    Yeah you know...like real life stuff.

    This is just a little free game that can help you relax after a tough day :)
    There isn't much to it and is just a simple little plant game, where you have a pot with plants to care for.
    What I like about is just to have it running in the back and listen to the music while doing homework or drawing.

    - Simple and relaxing
    - Good music and cute design

    - This is definitely not for everyone

    This is a free game where you go on adventures as a wolf in Yellowstone National Park. You can either choose to play alone, find a mate and start a pack. 
    Or you can go online and play with other players and hunt down elks. So I picked up this game back in 2012-2013 from wolfquest.org
    It has now improved and moved onto steam, here is cost some money, but they are still developing it and making it even greater. ^^ But you can still get it for free on their site.

    - Totally worth checking out for wolf-fans
    - Quite fun with friends
    - Lot of roleplaying ( if you like that, I'm not so into that part myself)

    - The free version don't update
    - The community might be inactive (Haven't checked)
    - Grapichs are not the best (But lets cut them some slack, they made this for free)

    Only one right now, I normally only play payed horror games. 

    Hide and shriek
    It's a fun little game where you get to scare your friends as you fly around as skulls and try to collect more points than the others.
    Here you can trick them with traps or give them a jumpscare if the chance is there.

    - Okay grapichs
    - Funny with friends

    - I don't think you can play alone :/

    I hope this gave you a few ideas about games for free that are worth checking out.
    Sorry for gramma mistakes, english is not my native language :)

    Rate this article Free games worth taking a look at

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    Nice article from the list i loved crossout.

    7 march 2021 05:19

    Nice comparison!

    28 february 2022 13:54


    24 january 2021 19:40


    29 january 2021 15:47


    24 january 2021 19:40