unranked rank iconSimplyShit: with zeeshan in the front nigga
unranked rank iconSimplyShit: I fuck yo momma doggystyle
unranked rank iconSimplyShit: 5'3 dumbass bitch
apprentice rank iconArc: DAMN
unranked rank iconSimplyShit: Tim shut the fuck up you indian ass nigga
apprentice rank iconArc: lol
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Honest.
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Get a life and seek help.
unranked rank iconbristybubli: I take that back this really turned me on, especially the midget SimplyTim
unranked rank iconbristybubli: these comments are really inpropient can u stop please as i am a girl ;(
unranked rank iconZeeshan: Mine squirts out curry
unranked rank iconshogatsu: yeah by accident to my friend
unranked rank iconsophie: nah bro
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Yall ever make it bleed by accident?
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: I am scared of women.
unranked rank iconSimplyTIm: I love LGBTQ
unranked rank icongen.stenny: sure timmy
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: Im honestly him.
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: I am 5'4 and irreplacable
unranked rank icongen.stenny: 1f604 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank icongen.stenny: Sure
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: I am for real irreplacable.
unranked rank iconSimplyTim: I love dihh
novice rank iconthe future: Hey
unranked rank icongen.stenny: lol 
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Here's to hoping  NODDERS emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Crypto cashouts will be added in the near future 
novice rank iconSimplyTim: No direct crypto tho?  NOOO emote (inline chat version)
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Ooo man. Cases.gg and subsidiaries getting a 25% boost lol
novice rank iconSimplyTim: Packwatch emote (inline chat version)



gucci garden (moja opinia)

playman_597v2 avatar


May 21, 2021 at 08:01 PM

serio według mnie to najgorszy event jaki był. wszystkie eventowe itemy trzeba kupić a nie zdobyć :( btw co o nim sadzicie

Luke448 avatar


May 21, 2021 at 08:02 PM

A ja nic nie sądze

GabiSpajk avatar


May 21, 2021 at 08:03 PM

Można zdobyć itemki

jumanji2 avatar


May 23, 2021 at 01:24 AM

Eee was ty typie

kuba7500 avatar


May 23, 2021 at 10:27 AM

Beznadzieja totalna też tak myślę i strasznie trudno te itemki zdobyc chociaż nie da jakieś najpieknjesze a ta gra to jakaś zrombana dlatego zgadzam się z tobą to jest bajgorzy event w roblox.

jumanji2 avatar


May 23, 2021 at 10:33 AM

no jakoś tak

24kqtviewx avatar


May 24, 2021 at 09:32 AM

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