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    Is there an EXP bug?

    It's happened more than once, so I'm asking if this is actually normal. I won't bother contacting Misty before I hear from you guys. So this is what happened today: I shut my laptop down a few hours ago for dinner and I checked that my EXP was at 38%. When I came back just now, my EXP dropped to 29% for no reason before I refreshed and switch pages in Gamehag. When I tried opening my profile to check my forum posts, my EXP went back to normal at 38%. I don't recall spamming anywhere in the site, though. Did any of you guys experience the same thing from time to time?

    14 april 2019 17:44 1628

    It happened to me as well quite a few times

    14 april 2019 17:48 1628

    @Akishumor Do you recall spamming somewhere? Don't worry, I'm not trying to accuse you. I'm trying to get as much info as possible if I'm going to make Misty give an actually helpful reply.
    EDIT: I had to dig through older threads and found that there's a bug in showing EXP like this. Once I found that though, the problem escalated to the point that my EXP got reduced again and it's not coming back until now. Like, what happened? I know I don't spam and someone from older threads experienced the same issue but the other thread referenced there has been deleted so that I can't exactly find out what happened.

    14 april 2019 17:51 1628

    @askishumor, you spamming way to much to say you are having an xp bug.

    14 april 2019 22:49 1628

    well... I was Lvl 2 60% but now I'm lvl 1 80%, maybe there's bug

    14 april 2019 23:43 1628

    You lose -10 xp with each comment deleted by moderators. Perhaps previously deleted comments were kept track of, and now you suddenly lost all the xp from those.

    15 april 2019 00:11 1628

    I did recall a comment that might be deleted but I'm 100% sure that's not spam. I was just giving a suggestion of how the system handles the spam report button in a thread about reporting spam and for some unknown reason my comment was gone when I checked around a few days or a week later. If we're losing EXP from non-spam comments being deleted then it doesn't make any sense at all.

    15 april 2019 07:31 1628

    Correction to my previous post: there are actually two comments that got deleted, I remembered it wrong before. It's a perfect fit for how many times the EXP reduction occurs but I still need the explanation why the comments from that thread was deleted in the first place. Both of mine are suggestions to improve the site, there's one from someone else to respond my first who was asking from their misunderstanding because of my habit of not being detailed enough in making suggestions.

    Lastly I want to lock this thread to prevent more spam but I'll probably leave it open a bit longer in case there's someone else who can shed some more light into this problem.

    15 april 2019 09:24 1628

    @eizosenpai I've never spammed because I don't like seeing spam myself. I don't like those random spam threads so it's only logical that I'm reducing their agony by not spamming.
    EDIT: I'm officially locking this thread down. It's not really solved but it's to prevent freeloaders from spamming.

    15 april 2019 14:25 1628

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