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    Things you like or don't like in Gamehag

    feel free to tell me and show what you like and dont like in Gamehag below. please dont spam or use foul language in your statements, be careful.

    10 march 2019 18:46 1628

    Grinding levels is a bit of a drag but at the same time, it's understandable. Gotta keep people engaged and what not...it just feels like an uncreative and forced way of doing it, imo.

    10 march 2019 23:40 1628

    I have to agree with the level grinding, and the graphics in some of the games are a little iffy

    11 march 2019 01:26 1628

    Minigames are way toohard to get sg.

    11 march 2019 02:19 1628

    The mobile app is just useless

    11 march 2019 03:58 1628

    They didn't verify my screenshot when War Thunder had bonus SG for completing. I don't like this and I think they did it intentionally. Have you guys experienced that?

    11 march 2019 17:16 1628

    gamehag is fun but minigames are broken

    11 march 2019 18:51 1628

    Minigames are not broken, most are just too hard to get anything.

    The app needs something to make it useful other then installing apps for SG

    12 march 2019 01:41 1628

    Minigames are kinda annoying for me. Most of the time, they are broken and you can't get SG!

    Even though some things are weird here, I love the community and how active they are. 😁

    12 march 2019 09:04 1628

    I see a lot of comments stating that their screenshots get rejected. Is this true?

    12 march 2019 09:09 1628

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