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    what is the point of the paladin chest?

    Just noticed the paladin chest is 600 SG, and it only has steam random keys in it (ew) and the steam key is only 399 so what's the point of this chest?

    2 march 2019 16:29 1628

    It' not like you can actually win a decent game out of any of the chests. I think it's like a 99.9% chance you will get a crappy random steam key, instead of any of the other items offered in the chest you buy. I've bought 2 different chests now, and I think the total value of the steam keys I got was 0.99c. In other words the games you win are so bad Steam can't even sell them. I'd be interested to know if even a single person got a good game out of either the Game of the Year Chest, or the January premires chest. All I got from those was 2 runes I'll never ever use. And to think I went out of my way to earn the 2000 gems needed to open those chests. Very disappointing.

    4 march 2019 04:00 1628

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