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    Need Help for Thread Voting Section

    I finished voting for all 5 threads but I didn't get the 20 soul gems, is there something else that I need to do to complete it and get the gems?

    20 february 2019 04:57 1628

    I have the same problem

    20 february 2019 05:55 1628

    1. You can get SG only the article you vote correctly!
    2. The article that you vote must have your rating and command your opinion
    3. The article needs to need to be rejected or accepted to gain your reward!
    4. Your vote might be accepted from a mod!
    So you need to wait for it appears or rejected!

    21 february 2019 05:37 1628

    Wow, I don't know how to get soul gems in this way.

    21 february 2019 15:23 1628

    Oh okay, thanks!

    21 february 2019 23:40 1628

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