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    Visa Card shopping online

    Can i use the visa card reward to buy stuff of aliexpress or ebay? Also how exactly does that work?

    14 february 2019 22:10 1628

    You should most likely be able to. If you can't, try to set it up with a paypal account since most sites use it anyways.

    14 february 2019 23:19 1628

    will try that thank you

    14 february 2019 23:26 1628

    do you know if it gives you an account that you log into or do you need a visa card?

    14 february 2019 23:27 1628

    Paypal is it's own account. If you set a card to it, you log in with your paypal and paypal handles the transaction.

    14 february 2019 23:49 1628

    yes i know that im asking about the reward if you know do i get an account that is online or do i need to have a visa card to get the money transfered to that

    15 february 2019 17:11 1628

    probably! most sites use it now anyways

    15 february 2019 22:08 1628

    for sure you will be able to use it , its like everywone using visa cards this days

    16 february 2019 19:46 1628

    When you redeem a Visa card, you'll get directed to a site where you need to activate the card and set up the cards info (like your name, your zip code, address and whatnot), then you'll get the card number and expiring date and you'll be able to use it wherever you want where a credit card is accepted.
    I for example used it to fill up my amazon funds

    16 february 2019 20:52 1628

    Well that is nice thank you guys :D

    17 february 2019 12:07 1628

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