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    How to earn SG from forums?

    I know you are getting XP by talkong in forums, and that after 3 lvl you are start to recieving SG's. I want to know how much you're getting it and what is max lvl.

    30 january 2019 23:02 1628

    You don't get sg from talking in the forums, you do get xp from and by levelling trough that way you can get some sg for each level

    30 january 2019 23:38 1628

    The maximum level is 30, you can see levels here. https://gamehag.com/ranks
    As for the rewards from leveling up, I actually don't know. I've seen someone say they got 15 SG from reaching lvl 3.

    31 january 2019 00:49 1628

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