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    Questions about Wall of Terror

    I am new user and I was wondering if there is some way to check if I have started an offer? I clicked on the offer for Mobile Royale: reach level 14 but just got directed to the app store. Does that mean that i started the offer? I just want a way to confirm it!

    24 january 2019 16:08 1628

    Yes, just click install and do the offer "reach level 14" after the game gets installed. You should get your SGs automatically after finishing the offer BUT if you didn't get it then contact misty.

    24 january 2019 16:42 1628

    Go to the bottom of the wall on PC. You should see a link to a list of active tasks. Btw misty doesnt do anything

    24 january 2019 19:10 1628

    Thanks Micker003! You were really helpful. I followed your advice and saw my active tasks. But that leads me to my next question.
    I noticed that I have accepted 2 different tasks for the same game.
    Could I cash in both if I complete them?

    24 january 2019 19:16 1628

    If it's two different tasks, then I believe you can... That is, if it actually gets redeemed

    25 january 2019 06:46 1628

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