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    How To Get Soulgems From The Forum!

    But no seriously will someone explain this? My apologies for the clickbait topic but from seeing other ones I assume having a topic commented on may have something to do with it? Anyone care to elaborate for me?

    11 april 2022 07:39 1628

    Good question. Does anyone know what the relationship is between the number of times/frequency of commenting in the forum and the number of soul gems you earn? So far I don't appear to have gained any soul gems from commenting, so I was wondering if you have to reach a certain number of comments to gain a SG?

    12 october 2022 05:23 1628

    I would love to know also. How many times do I have to comment before I get SG?

    17 october 2022 16:41 1628

    I’d also like to know how many times you need to comment…?

    17 october 2022 17:47 1628

    probably at least 5 if not 20

    18 october 2022 00:45 1628

    you can also watch some advertisements for gems

    18 october 2022 11:53 1628

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