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    Zed help

    Hello! I am a fellow Zed main. I would like to give you some advices to become better with Zed. If I would forget anything then just comment it under this article.

    1. Always try to land your Q's on your enemies legs because the hitboxes are way bigger than at their head. ( This works with every trickshot move )

    2. Dont be cocky. If you are cocky you can lose even to a easy matchup.

    3. If you play to a hard counter then for your starting item chose Doran's shield or Doran's blade. Doran's shield if the enemy is ranged and Doran's blade if its close ranged.

    4. If the enemy has a character who you will suffer a lot in the start then take Electrocut if you will have problem's in the late game against him then take Dark harvest and conqueror if the enemy has way too much tanks.

    5. Always buy the right item. if you use Conqueror then buy Ecplise if you use Electrocut or Dh. then buy draktharr or Prowler's claw.

    6. Roam bot. Bot lane needs help most of the time and Zed is an Assassin so he can easily help bot lane get 1 or 2 kills.

    7. Practice. If you dont practice you just play one game and it doesn't go as planned then dont give up.

    8. learn which characters are your absolute counters and ban them or get your friend to do 1 v 1 while he uses those characters.

    9. Don't play other champions if you truly want to master it. You can play other characters but only after you finally mastered him.

    10. Use /mute all if the team flames you. Its a very good way to keep calm. And also dont forget to turn off /all chat.

    11. Remember your goals!

    12. if your friends flame you for being bad then just play with random players or just dont play with your friends. If they can't understand that you are trying to learn the character then they don't deserve to play with you.

    13. Be pationate about it. You WILL be good with Zed one day. You just have to keep practising.

    14. And the most important is to not get angry. If you get Angry then you WILL DO mistakes. You will start tower diving the 10/2 enemy top laner or you do something crazy like that and If you do this then the game is over. you lost.

    To truly become the master of Zed you must practice everyday. I wanted to play Zed when I was around lvl 30. I was very bad with him so I gave up on him. But one day I was like I need a main character so I started to look up tier lists and Zed was a high tier character then I decided to learn how to use him. I watched tutorial over tutorial and then I became an avarage Zed player. I played more and more Zed everyday. I became a Zed OTP player. I got power from the way my friends looked at me because of my patience in learning Zed. They cheered me up when I was about to give up. So this is the story how I became a Zed main in short.

    These are the tips that I wanted to share. I hope these will help you! Peace!

    16 november 2021 02:08 1625

    ohh sorry i am turkish but i don't understand

    1 january 2023 11:52 1625

    Thanks for the information.

    1 january 2023 13:18 1625

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