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    Crossout task 2

    So i did played more than 25 battles and send the screenshot 5 times but got rejected . Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the task?

    23 october 2018 10:43 2176

    How do you post a screenshot here?

    25 october 2018 09:38 2176

    Guys they have accepted the scrrenshot that i took in windowed screen mode... I use the same picture for task 2 and task 3 and i cant believe they accept both

    25 october 2018 10:22 2176

    Click on the task number and complete button there you can put your screenshot

    25 october 2018 10:23 2176

    where can you see the battles?

    26 october 2018 12:12 2176

    I sent two screenshot. The 1st reply I receive was "A task for Crossout has been rejected.. Something went wrong, please take a new screenshot." and now I receive the same reply again. on my 2nd screenshot that I sent. really wasting my time. I'm currently trying to find where the F is the delete account in the settings??

    27 october 2018 07:26 2176

    Not me

    9 january 2019 17:50 2176

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