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    How it works

    Always rejected

    I complete the task #1 and #2 and the last task #3 said A task for CROSSOUT has been rejected having more than one account is not allowed how that happen? i only have 1 account!

    19 october 2018 13:01 2176

    I've been getting that error too. I noticed it just after I referred my brother to start playing, and then I tried to do a task, and it told me the same error.

    19 october 2018 17:23 2176

    I complete all the task now just ask misty that you complete all the intructions

    25 october 2018 18:18 2176

    Can anyone give me a link to the GH discord, been rejected a few times and cannot find the discord

    26 october 2018 15:58 2176

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