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    This game has been overhyped

    This game has been overhyped and advertised everywhere I go. To be honest every time i go to YT i see this game and i finally decided to play it its really not a good game it sucks

    16 may 2021 21:08 7066

    this game is not very good but its good but not very good its a game very miduem

    6 january 2022 12:26 7066

    Yeah agree. I was hoping it would be at least somewhat enjoyable considering the flood of ads they throw, but even for the genre its just not very good.

    7 january 2022 16:38 7066

    Yeah, its very overhyped and made to look like an amazing game. Its quite good but to get higher levels and better items and warriors you have to spend way too much money.

    10 december 2022 23:34 7066

    i agree

    4 january 2023 04:29 7066

    i agree too

    9 january 2023 05:59 7066

    good game honestly a bit over hyped but its fine

    9 january 2023 07:05 7066

    Mate we all agree with you. Too bad we cannot do anythin about it. But however its every mobile game atm that advertises on Youtube. Huge Problems that cannot resolve amirite.

    10 january 2023 19:26 7066

    yeah 100% i dont get why people like it and how many goddam sponsors the game has from youtubers

    14 january 2023 17:00 7066

    The hype is there to attrackt the whales. You just have to see it for what it is; more like a championship manager game with good graphics than a game to actively play. It's about micro management and numbers

    16 january 2023 14:52 7066

    i make thousands a week farming and selling the accounts 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love the game personally but if you are a clueless scrub i see why you would have issues.. just stick with candy crush kids..

    19 january 2023 06:13 7066

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