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    Can someone help me with the tasks?

    Hello, does anyone know how to clear bought of the Lieage 2 tasks? I am trying to make accounts but the tasks are rejected because "i didn't register an account", but I did register ore than one. Does anyone who cleared the task can explain me what am i doing wrong or tell me how to make a proper account that will not be classified as "non existent"? Thank you.

    25 march 2021 10:34 8522

    Yes i can Add me on discord or add me friend in the page My discord name: Noyzieh_ on top! #1210 I waiting for u!

    6 april 2021 15:34 8522

    Can someone help me because i m level 2 now, and its like stuck at 88%

    5 january 2022 23:09 8522

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