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    My Tasks Keep Getting Rejected

    Every task i try to complete is always getting rejected so i miss the todays deals, my task gets accepted like 3 days after soo i miss all of the daily deals

    13 september 2018 13:02 1628

    i will tell u the reason.the moderators and the bots they have to answer your questions or tasks are blind and completly retarted.with love from sweden! :D

    13 september 2018 14:38 1628

    I've had the same issues with tasks being rejected when they were on a +% daily deal, I don't re-upload, I message Misty. Some staff tell you to re-upload but just make another ticket explaining that you uploaded on a bonus day and you did everything correct the first time. This has worked for me so far.

    14 september 2018 16:31 1628

    Thisnis so sad

    14 september 2018 19:54 1628

    unlucky me dude

    15 september 2018 11:11 1628

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