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    Is fortnite dying? 2021

    Fortnite is not dying Fortnite has something to say to all of those who think the game is dying. ... Content creators and popular streamers are given reasons to want to play the game again. This could easily alienate casual players, but it seems to be doing the trick. Fortnite has been labeled a dying game for some time now, but it just won't die. Searches that want an answer to if Fortnite is dying come in massive spurts. Every so often, discussions and videos take place on if the iconic battle royale is in fact dying. The phrase "is Fortnite dying" trends, then disappears, then trends again. People truly want to know if the game is dying. On the competitive side of things, the scene appears to be thriving. It is more than likely the casual players questioning how much longevity remains for Fortnite.

    21 january 2021 14:00 1628

    1. Why did you reply to yourself 2. Fortnite has much less relevancy than i used to have so yes it is dying.

    22 january 2021 17:13 1628

    as wise man once said the game isnt dead if at least 2 player play it a no player online game is dead. So its bot dead but, bot popular anymore

    22 january 2021 17:31 1628

    yes fortnite is dying

    22 january 2021 22:06 1628

    likely yes but i wont play fornite, i dont like batle royales generics anyway how did i even get up here :v

    22 january 2021 22:26 1628

    this good

    23 january 2021 14:08 1628

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