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    My comments on threads are getting deleted

    My comments on threads are getting deleted with the xp for each one, my comments were helpful and well written why did this happen to me ?

    12 january 2021 22:30 1628

    If it's on a spam thread and the thread is deleted, the comments and XP will go along with it. Avoid making short comments or commenting on a spam thread to not have that happen.

    13 january 2021 20:12 1628

    I had issues recently with my comments and threads being deleted. I do not post spam comments and one of my threads that got removed was a suggestion for the site.

    14 january 2021 13:49 1628

    how long do the comments have to be like 2 or 3 lines?
    or would 1 line work?

    8 march 2021 17:37 1628

    Honestly, I'm not sure how long your comments have to be so they can remain the way they are without you losing any XP
    but I would say at least a line?

    9 march 2021 22:44 1628

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