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    How it works

    Reward store/platform not mentioned

    I have noticed that some rewards do not mention any information about the platform/store they are for. Is it safe to assume they are steam keys in such cases? Has anyone tried any reward like this and can share their experience?

    2 january 2021 06:35 1628

    I won't recommend you to assume that these keys are for steam uses. It is best to ask people who have bought these game keys with their soul gems or ask the admin for more information. Hope this helps!

    2 january 2021 15:46 1628

    I already have 2 tickets open with support, so I am unable to contact them. I guess I can only hope that someone here will have the answer and see this thread.
    Thanks for the advice though.

    2 january 2021 19:22 1628

    i hope

    2 january 2021 19:29 1628

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