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    How it works

    How to get your task accepted

    I know that there is some sort of screenshot bug. But I know how to fix it. Just make a screenshot of your log with the mission selected and send it. When your task gets rejected just send a ticket to Misty with all the details about your screenshot and there you have it! Your Soul Gems are in. GOOD LUCK!!!

    24 august 2018 13:21 2203

    but it works!

    24 august 2018 19:48 2203

    you can also paste it in paint, and then circle your account name and level ;) ! If not accepted, send misty and it's done :)

    25 august 2018 00:10 2203

    what problems?

    27 october 2018 21:24 2203

    where is your log in this game?

    29 october 2018 01:21 2203

    Thanks boyyyyyy

    18 august 2019 19:00 2203

    I know that there is some sort of screenshot bug. But I know how to fix it. Just make a screenshot of your log with the mission selected and send it. When your task gets rejected just send a ticket to Misty with all the details about your screenshot and there you have it! Your Soul Gems are in. GOOD LUCK!!!

    21 august 2019 16:56 2203

    ah sweet thank you so much

    29 september 2019 06:44 2203

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