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    Report Broken Links

    Hey, y'all!

    I am very much aware of the fact that there is a reporting tool for broken links to all games on Gamehag.
    Nevertheless, the reason I made this thread is that there are cases wherein some links lead to insecure pages or sites that contain an obscene substance.
    Such cases ought to be forestalled at the earliest opportunity since they can prompt consequences that won't influence the community positively.


    Game: (the title of the game; example: War Thunder)
    Link to the game: (a link to the game; example: https://gamehag.com/games/war-thunder)
    Date: (the date you found the broken link.)
    Evidence: (proof in the form of pictures; you can use prnt.sc or imgur.com for the purpose. The picture should show the page you were redirected to.)

    Thank you for helping out the Gamehag Community! :)


    25 august 2020 12:30 8411

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