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    What to do when u have done almost all tasks

    I have done all the good paying tasks and dont really know how i'm going to get sg in bigger amounts anymore since they almost never make new tasks... any tips?

    1 august 2020 14:26 1628

    Maybe head out from the site lol. In all seriousness, try to use the task that can give you infinit amounth of SGs such as Appzone, writing articles, leveling up...

    2 august 2020 15:07 1628

    I've done all the tasks I can do and I am trying to do the 'Jade Goddess' quests, its been 5 days and I haven't even finished the first quest of getting to level 100.. so I'd say just try to make the best of things while you can

    2 august 2020 15:32 1628

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