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    How it works

    Mobile version of gamehag

    I'm using a mobile version my own and everything seems to be done perfectly but there seems to plenty of missing features.I will just state it out. 1.)code redemption When you redeem a code there's nothing saying if it's valid That's the most obvious problem I've seen.if you compare to pc or other platforms I think you will know. 2.)Task The task on mobile are quite a lot but you should really change the rule of playing before means you can't do the task and like me I've been trying a lot of games and after I discovered Gamehag I realized like 4 out of 6 of games I've already played before and I have only one phone so that means i have only 2 out of 6 chance to earn soul gems I might as well just beg for donation.thats all. Sincerely, ProPhang.

    23 may 2020 15:25 8369

    yeh you right about that

    30 may 2020 22:46 8369

    it's a such a shame bud. but acyually do you get any task i didn't actually see any on my mobile gamehag maybe i wasn't in the right tab

    31 may 2020 00:46 8369

    i tried to get it but it doesn't exicst in Googleplay !! can you guide me how to take it?

    31 may 2020 08:50 8369

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