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    Do you think Arsenal really deserved to win best soundtrack of the year?

    This is a huge discussion in the roblox community, many think that Royale high deserved to win the award. Many were furious when Arsenal won the Bloxy award. Do you think they deserved it?

    29 april 2020 15:31 2173

    ну не знаю,я вчера выигравал ну и мне понравилось

    29 april 2020 18:25 2173

    лоал ло увпловооо р о р рроарповполаолпваопо воаповаповапволпшо о

    29 april 2020 18:32 2173

    arsenal deserved it all games did alot of hard work but arsenal deserved it imagine how much time it takes to make those hats and gun models i must admit royale high also did some stuff like dress meshes but arsenal did more than just meshes they made faces and maps not just meshes adopt me? nah they just made pets in my opinion

    29 april 2020 18:48 2173

    It was best soundtrack of the year, not buildings or models. I dont really think arsenal deserved it, they only have gun sounds.Royale high have magical sound effects,music and a piano players can use

    29 april 2020 18:53 2173

    i think the best this soundtrack the best

    29 april 2020 18:54 2173

    Also, it really isnt that hard to make guns. Meshes and maps take forever to make. Royale high have multiple maps, that change every season. They are so huge and detailed too, my opinion.

    29 april 2020 18:54 2173

    arsenal also made hat meshes and maps not only guns but ur opinion im surprised that u didnt get mad

    29 april 2020 18:56 2173

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