I am wondering if there is any interest in the community in having the complete lines of all vehicles shown in the hanger. Some vehicles such as the TB-3, KV 220, E-100 and many others have been given to players over time, but only the players that have those vehicles can see them. I will put forth a suggestion if there is positive interest shown.
What caused this inquiry.
I have run into an issue that I am interested in viewing the armor on the KV 220, to find out where the weak points are so I will have some idea where to shoot at it, would also love to know it's reload rate, turret speed, etc. and module layout, but as it is a special vehicle, I do not have access to it in my hanger. So when I meet the KV 220 in battle, I don't have any idea where to shoot, where the ammo layout is, etc. But the player of the KV 220 does not have this issue because they have access to the armor layout and module information of my vehicle in hanger.
This same issue can apply to all other vehicles also including planes and ships/boats. Can you out turn it? Can you out dive it? Can you out climb it? Is it relatively safe to do a head on with it? (PO-2 yes, but others most likely not)
Has anyone else run into this issue? And would you like to see all available vehicles in the hanger, even if they were locked out and you could not get them, but could test drive them?
Is there a solution to this issue that I don't know about, that already exists in game?