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    Asian Servers?

    I recently started playing Crossout and noticed that whenever I play PVP or the missions (eg: raids,missions) I get delayed movements. It's not a big delay, but it's sometimes annoying to turn your vehicle .5 second late or fire your weapon .5 second late. I then knew about the F11 thing which shows your FPS and Ping. I kept getting 240-310 ping every PVP match but my connection is fine. I'm just wondering if the servers are getting mixed up? Are there Asian servers? Because I think I keep on getting q'd on different servers. PS: Sorry for my terrible English. Thank you.

    5 april 2020 15:16 2176

    Try restarting your router or updating your drivers

    6 april 2020 12:25 2176

    Try maybe VPN

    6 april 2020 19:50 2176

    Tried restarting the router and vpn but not much effect :/

    7 april 2020 10:31 2176

    Tried restarting the router and Try restarting your router or updating

    7 april 2020 10:44 2176

    no xp ((

    7 april 2020 10:44 2176


    7 april 2020 11:56 2176

    yeah it will be very good to have Asian servers as well for ping issues and packetloss

    7 april 2020 13:10 2176

    mmm, I had the same issue with GTA. Almost all servers are pretty bad

    7 april 2020 13:34 2176

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