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    Low priority in Dota2

    I will show everyone some reasons for low priority in Dota2 and the ways to get out of this punishment.
    I do not know from when Valve have put low priority on the Dota 2 but it is interesting to understand it. Almost all gamers know that you will get a punishment of low priority whenever you abandon a game (you can reconnect within 5 minutes or you reconnect after 5 minutes), get several report for feeding, communicational abuse,... or something like in-game griefing detection system (detect a pattern of bad behavior). After playing 25 games you may recieve this summary:
    As Valve said: "For better communication with the players and to show them to what extent their behavior affects the other players. For most players, this means that they must be told that they are doing well, and that they should be encouraged to continue"
    Your report will be updated  every 10 games, or immediately if you find yourself in low priority
    The punishment will begin with one game (actually single draft game with longer time for match matching) and up to 5 games ( and even I get a punishment which does not allow me to play dota 2 online for a week). This punishment also prevent you from recieving item drops, trophy points and playing with smarter gamers.
    I do not list exactly the number of reasons but these may include: network error, noobers, or busy in other jobs so I quit playing with you. However the first reason- network error- is the most frequent reason as I thought (or as I experienced). So how to get out quickly.
    I mention some measures for this:
    1. prepare your network and an alternative to this
    2. play in a party to help you get out and stay away from noobers
    3. pick carry if you play alone
    However, after long time playing in low, I am sure that the first game you play in high priority you will get a item drop.

    17 october 2017 18:42 1625

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