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    Gamehag is not a scam, got my Wallet code.

    Yay I finally got my Steam Wallet Code. TBH I'm scared of gamehag is scamming but the truth is not. Hope all of you guys got you reward too!GL!

    1 october 2017 02:29 1628

    How much time you have waited for the reward? :)

    1 october 2017 03:04 1628

    my first reward on gamehag was steam 5$ it took about 3 days to get it from the second I ordered it. but my second reward was another steam 5$ and this time it took 30 DAYS and at the end, they refunded my SGs and I didn't receive the reward at all now I ordered a steam 5eu so hopefully, I receive my reward next time.

    1 october 2017 03:44 1628

    Gamehag is not a scam, however it has it's flaws

    Also don't forget, many things are not automated and there are real people behind all this
    People that are busy in RL, and people that are getting flooded daily by users with their complaints, questions and requests

    I have been active on Gamehag's and Marvelousga's discord support channel to help people

    I notice there are a lot of people seeking help, but about 97% of those NEVER bothered to read any rules, terms of FAQ's and ask things they can find out easy themselves
    Many people complaining about something turn out to have been cheating, or trying to and then complain stuff that doesn't work
    75% off ALL support questions come in the form of "Help it doesn't work" and think you're a psychic that instantly know what you mean
    Most people think they deserve support INSTANTLY and get angry or rude when they don't get it
    Many people get angry at ME, while i clearly state i am a USER just like them and i VOLUNTEER spending time on support trying to help THEM
    Lot's of people cry over contracts, but if they read the FAQ it CLEARLY states that GamehagCAN NOT support those
    99% of the time i give the EXACT SAME answers to questions, answers that i researched MYSELF and that answer get most things solved
    Then there is a big portion of people who basically can not read or write any semi-decent english and blame support THEY do things wrong
    MOST of the people complaining they do not get their CS:GO skins etc complain they wait for weeks, but do not have their Steam trade URL linked in their profile
    TONS of people complain about month old CODES being expired, codes supplied by USERS

    Above is just a small example on with what they have to deal with
    So yes, i am not stating Gamehag is perfect, but i can imagine there is a HUGE backlog on messages, requests and complaints on Misty's chatlog and the support email

    Just FYI ;)

    1 october 2017 04:03 1628


    1 october 2017 04:33 1628

    I got the 20 and it is not a scam :D

    1 october 2017 06:39 1628

    How much time you have waited for the reward

    1 october 2017 10:24 1628

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