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    How it works

    Lol @Contests

    Basically you waste a small amount of Soul gems with a low risk of actually winning. Might as well give your SG's to a friend (or me, of course). Would've written an article about it, but would've been denied for sure.

    27 september 2017 16:15 1628

    Just do the math, you can see that contests are just a way to overprice rewards and to syphon extra SG back to GameHag from unsuspecting users

    27 september 2017 16:42 1628


    27 september 2017 17:16 1628

    Very true I was thinkg about doing it when I saw them but decided not to after reading into them.

    27 september 2017 18:37 1628

    The chance of winning ain't that bad i guess, but as in any lottery (which is basically what the contests are) the chance of losing is higher
    For a 10/10 lcontest and buying 1 ticket you still have the chance of 1 out of 10 to win(and 9 out of 10 to lose)

    However i do not know if you can buy multiple tickets and so increase your chance(anyone who wants to try feel free to do so and report back here), but my guess is this ain't possible anyway since there is no benefit it that for GameHag(having the TOTAL SG in the userbase spread out over as many users possible means they will have to payout less often)

    The absolutely worst thing about these contests is that there is little activity
    What i mean is if the lottery needs to sell 10 tickets (10/10 contest) and you bought ticket #9 but then for the next year nobody will join and buy ticket #10 all the tickets and so their value in SG are just 'parked' their waiting for completion of the ticketsales

    Plus the 'prizes' are also found in rewards but the income they will generate on contest is higher than the sale:
    Say if you buy reward X it will cost you 6000SG to GameHag
    But the same reward X in contests will cost 10 tickets for 660SG each, so GameHag gets 6600SG for the same thing and just syphoned that 600SG extra back from their userbase
    Then again, it's gambling and like a casino; the house always takes a cut

    27 september 2017 19:43 1628

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