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    Is MagicCookies a real user or not?

    He's the Top ranked gamehag user of all time, and I see him on top of the leader board every day. Is he really a dedicated gamehag user, finishing offers left and right? Or is he a bot? Or maybe one of the creators of gamehag? The reason for this suspicion is because he has always been on my friend list, even though I've never invited him as a friend, but when checking his profile, I'm no friend of him. What kind of sorcery is this? Something is not right here. I could've made an article about this, but I doubt they'll ever show it if it were true.

    22 september 2017 13:30 1628

    Just to get some Illuminati memes going, who says it's not a Gamehag bot, designed to always be on top of the leaderboard, to snatch away every day's 1000 SG?

    22 september 2017 14:35 1628

    He's MarvelousGA's account

    22 september 2017 15:12 1628

    MagicCookies is added at your friendlist once you're referrer is marvelous, and since 80 % of gamehag users referrer is marvelous, you will understand why it's at the first position

    22 september 2017 15:12 1628

    WOOOW, that son of a b****.

    22 september 2017 16:51 1628

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