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    How it works

    Why and who should play and what is Apex Legends.

    Apex Legends surely is not a game for everybody, like Fortnite, Minecraft, Overwatch or Roblox. There a people who like a type of game that others don't. Here you'll find out if you possibly like Apex Legends or not.

    Hello! Here's Hivador! I'm a gamer, furry (please don't kill me Owo), bookworm, coder and traceur (parkour praktitioner). And here's my article about Apex Legends. Enjoy:

    What terms could be used to describe Apex Legends?

    • Sci-Fi (weapons, shields, legends (heroes) accessories and throwables are all pretty futuristic)
    • FPS (First Person Shooter)
    • Squads (20 squads of 3 persons each. Except in some events)
    • Battle-Royale (Weapons and gear is dispersed all across the map)
    • Titanfall 2 universe
    • Similar to hero-shooters (there are several cool legends with different abilities you can choose from, but some have to be buyed)
    • Skydive (jump off plane and decide where to land)
    • Ping system (non-verbal communication)
    • Knocked down players can be revived (knocked down players can't attacked once their down, but they aren't defenseless. If picked up they can use energy shields for protection)
    • Dead can be resurrected by their banners at beacons that are positioned all across the map
    • No pay to win. Game currency can only be spend in legends (heroes) or cosmetics
    So. That's it. If you like, or even love, some or several or all of this characteristics Apex Legends is your game.

    Oh! I forgot the most important one:
    • IT'S FREE!!!
    OK, that were the characteristics. Now I'll focus on individual topics

    There is a big range of weapons out there in Apex Legends. The classes are: 
    • Pistols: RE-45 Auto, P2020, Wingman.
    • Shotguns: EVA-8 Auto, Mastiff Shotgun, Mozambique Shotgun, Peacekeeper.
    • Sniper rifles: Longbow DMR, G7 Scout, Kraber .50 cal Sniper, Triple Take, Charge Rifle.
    • Light machine guns: Devotion LMG, M600 Spitfire, L-STAR EMG.
    • Sub machine guns: Alternator SMG, Prowler Burst PDW, R-99.
    • Assault rifle: VK-47 Flatline, Hemlok Burst AR, R-301 Carbine, HAVOC Rifle.
    Here's the list of the cool legends!:
    • Offensive class: Wraith, Bangalore, Mirage, Octane.
    • Defensive: Gibraltar, Caustic, Wattson.
    • Support: Lifeline, Pathfinder.
    • Recon: Crypto, Bloodhound
    Each legend has it's own awesome and unique abilities! Check them out here: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/characters

    Apex legends has also allot of throwables and consumables to offer!
    • Frag Grenade (Explosion)
    • Thermite Grenade (Fire wall)
    • Arc Star (Electric explosion, sticks to any kind of surface)
    • Syringe (Restores 25 health)
    • Medkit (Restores all health (100%))
    • Shield Cell (Restores 25 shield energy)
    • Shield Battery (Restores all shield energy (100%))
    • Phoenix Kit (Restores all of health and shield (100%))
    • Ultimate Accelerant (Restores 35% of players ultimate energy)

    Hope you liked this article!


    21 january 2020 11:36 1625

    Apex is really good.....but really annoying at time's like when you drop down and get nothing and then get killed by 7 sqauds cause third partys.

    11 march 2020 10:29 1625

    Apex legend is bullshit i'll never play this trash

    11 march 2020 15:26 1625

    Apex is boring and stuff. I perfer fortnite or even better. Csgo. Thats the game right there

    11 march 2020 15:38 1625

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