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    How to be better player.


    How to be a better CS: GO player? I will recommend maps for training

    All maps can be found here : https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=740795413
    You need to practice at least 30 minutes each day.

    It's all about time and training, when you train you move up faster and get better than most players.

    What would Astralis players do without training?

    They also had to train to get it where they are now.

    Play Faceit, PvPro Tournaments My favorite aim map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=czech&id=647772108

    You have to learn different jumps like mirage from window to ladder. Jump Map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=&id=314892291

    Watch professional matches. Good teams are Astralis, Fnatic, Liquid, MousEsports
    Commands :
    net_graph 1
    This is the most useful command you’ll find in this list. It allows you to see a ton of information concerning your FPS (frames per second), ping, the tick rate of the server and more.

    voice_scale 0.3
    It lowers the voices of those in your lobby to a suitable level so that they can still be heard and it is not too loud that you can’t hear your game.

    cl_showfps 1
    Show you only fps.

    Startup :
    Right-click csgo give properties and set the startup options there and enter these commands : -novid -nojoy -tickrate 128 -high -exec autoexec

    How to plant on Mirage? I show you!

    Config :
    Can't make a config? Download config to show you how to put it in CS: GO

    You have downloaded folders

    Go to the steam folder then put the steamapps common counter-strike global offensive csgo and cfg and put the folders there. And you have config!

    Tired of playing Faceit or pvpro so you need to find awp servers or everyone against everyone.

    It's better to play with a friend or friends. I don't want to offend the Russian community, but if you find a Russian or a player with 2 killed in the whole game, he scolds you for having lost. And you know it's true. But there are also good Russian players.

    Buy prime or farm levels because noprime is a very good chance of meeting a hacker.

    Don't be afraid to talk to the voice chat when you die say the info or when you see someone there are a lot of players who know or killed someone and say nothing or start scolding.

    Use shells can help you like flashbang. Every player when you throw a flashbang and his reflex is such that he is trying to turn around, buy a decoy and throw it and push him quickly. That's a slight killing.


    I hope my tips helped you and thank you for reading them and have a nice day! <3

    15 january 2020 14:24 1625

    nice its look good

    18 january 2020 05:04 1625

    Cool. Thanks for sharing!

    18 january 2020 10:23 1625

    wow i don't know about this thanks for this tutorial😀😀

    28 january 2020 16:31 1625

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