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    Reviewing: God Wars

    This article will be about this MMORPG that's available on Gamehag.com in order to get SG.
    Well, when I entered to the game I saw it similar to many other games. Just like Naruto Online. Now, personally I'm not a fan of MMORPG's, but this one is actually a good one! I had to get to level 30, and it was fun to do it, honestly. The quests are simple, but the character design is great. It's something I love and admire from a game developer.
    As the webpage of their game says, " God Wars is a captivating Western fantasy game from R2 [...] The game offers a refreshing combat experience, realistic areas, and real-time skill selection. Players will not only have a great battle experience but the strategic elements will test player's wisdom and control of the situation. [...]  Through improvements to buildings in their city, they will also increase their own abilities, making it easier to eliminate the invading demons. The game's wealth of gameplay, interactions, and interesting events provide players with multiple ways to play. Finally the player will eliminate all the demons with the help of their hero comrades and save the land! " I couldn't agree more with the description that the page gives.
    However. the game has some disadvantages. Not too many people like this kind of games, like me, and they might not enjoy this game, many find those repetitive. Also, the quests could be quite more elaborated and it lacks multiplayer direct interaction.
    Overall, this game gets a 8/10. Would love to keep playing.

    29 august 2017 11:25 1625

    Nah, it's really bad trash.

    27 may 2019 17:49 1625

    has been great playing it

    27 may 2019 17:59 1625

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