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    Games and Chests

    How much chance to get a game from a chests ??

    24 december 2019 11:30 1628

    Depends on which chest are you opening. there are a lot of different chests

    24 december 2019 12:09 1628

    Don't buy chests...There is multiplied chance to get the worst loot :). So you propably always get the worst loot from it and there is always 1 in these chests....Use soul gems for buying games directly or gaming currency or prepaid cards to buy these games cheaper in discounts on these pages (Kinguin, Steam wallet etc.) 😉

    24 december 2019 12:43 1628

    just buy the games or the curency... jdont go for chests there is a 99.99 chance to get the worst loot in it

    24 december 2019 14:01 1628

    Yeah, you will most likely get the worst loot. Only open the christmas chests that are in your inventory as they are worth it, and become free at a certain amount of siul gems that you pass!

    24 december 2019 15:51 1628

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