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    I have an idea for gamehag

    Guys ? I wrote it to support but they wrote me just like:,,Ok we thank you for this idea, but still they didn't say me anything if they are going to do that so:I think the contests should work on diff principe: Here is a message I wrote and tell me if you agree------>

    Hello, I want to talk about the contests, which working on bad principe because some of these contests are here a year and still didn't have even half of people to start this contest. So I think that should be better if they are going to be time limited and the players who join i these contests in these times are going to challenge theirselfs and 1 of them is going to get a reward, and because that there will be less people there is going to be more people happy and bigger change to win and more motivation to join in these contests. Because as I said noone is much using them and some games are there a year and still has 5/35 players (for example).

    20 december 2019 17:18 1628

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