Phenomenal is the right word to explain the organization of The International every year. How come? Valve managed to prove that the loyalty of the fan base can not only be utilized to ensure the existence of a prolonged free to play game only, but also a driving force to further enhance his name. With a Battle Pass system that contains a series of missions and cosmetic items that gamers can get therein, Valve distributes about 25% of the value of the transaction to the total prize of The International DOTA 2 each year. This year, much more fantastic. Total prize The International 2017 has touched the number of USD 10 million or about Rp 130 billion! Although still half of what has been achieved The International 2016 and managed to reach the total prize up to USD 20 million in the final day, but the speed increase the number is faster. This year's Compendium Prize that looks more interesting, including the presence of Arcana's special items for one of the support characters called IO seems effective to drive more Battle Pass sales. Half of the final record in 2016 yesterday, the International 2017 prize has touched USD 10 million. Half of the final record in 2016 yesterday, the International 2017 prize has touched USD 10 million. The International 2017 event is still a few months away, and Valve still has a chance to continue pushing his prize by throwing more incentives and cosmetic items during that period. How do you think? Will the International 2017 award be able to break the record in the previous year?