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    Tell me what you think about this game.

    I think this is the best game in development right now.

    12 november 2019 16:44 2154

    One of the most addictive games I have ever played becouse just when you think you got trough the whole game they send a huge update

    12 november 2019 22:50 2154

    Very fun but also really grindy.

    12 november 2019 23:20 2154

    I think it is good but it can get repetitive

    13 november 2019 02:00 2154

    What is your opinion?

    13 november 2019 02:00 2154

    Thx everyone for your comments about the game.

    13 november 2019 15:45 2154

    It's very good game

    14 november 2019 10:03 2154

    Good game I have more than 1500 hours in-game

    14 november 2019 10:23 2154

    This game not bad

    31 december 2019 05:27 2154

    This game is relly nice.

    31 december 2019 19:13 2154

    this game is really good

    1 january 2020 06:32 2154

    the game is cool

    1 january 2020 08:32 2154

    It's very good game

    2 january 2020 12:36 2154

    It's a pretty good game it's addicting and I like the way to grind it I like that it's not pay to win and the company behind the game is super goo!

    2 january 2020 14:46 2154

    im still downloading this game in my switch

    3 january 2020 04:33 2154

    If you really like to gring in games you play then this is the game for you and it is also very addictive

    5 january 2020 02:03 2154

    Good game and I've spent a loooot of hours in Warframe but slowly with every new update they keep throwing in more tedious ways to make us grind even more especially with the crafting wait times, like there is no point to even do The Old Blood if you've got all the weapons and stuff grinded for it since there is nothing else there, there's only so much grinding people can take and these days grind is content

    8 january 2020 06:57 2154

    It's a good game and game makers will come up with more interesting stories, but you need to spend a lot of time on this game and this game does not require players to save money because most of the materials can be found in Get in game

    8 january 2020 11:50 2154

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