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    Got quiz contract approved still cant do appzone it says play a game help

    any one else facing same issue i cannot make sgs any more from appzone as they require me to do a game task and i got limited game tasks available and the ones i am doing right now are difficult to complete any advice?

    6 november 2019 13:50 1628

    Following for this

    6 november 2019 13:57 1628

    You have 2 choices:

    - Tough it out and do the game task.
    - Create a support ticket and beg the mods to give you a different task. This is thought to be impossible unless you have a very good case, but you could try.

    6 november 2019 14:34 1628

    @fomi earlier with this new rule that came over 6 months ago i just used to do the quiz contracts and then appzone would work once again but these games offers are too less for me to do and extremely hard and time-consuming to complete its eating away all of my valuable time what shall i do as i am clueless. For the time being i think i am considering to start writing articles to get an average of 50 sgs per day but that too is filled with issues appzone was my go to strategy for getting sgs now i am hopeless and tbh woke :(

    6 november 2019 14:37 1628

    Not much to do beside getting good at those games sadly. Gamehag runs by displaying ads and partnering with various game publishers, so they won't allow to earn Soul Gems easily without doing both. You could go to one of those games' forum and try asking for help, maybe some old souls will carry you through. Farming and leveling with a crew are always gonna be easier.

    6 november 2019 14:46 1628

    Hello i want xp to level because i want robux and i need lvl 3 im level 1

    6 november 2019 15:04 1628

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