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    How it works

    Some info for CS:GO.

    O ) is a one-person shooter video game developed by Hidden Bath Entertainment and Valve Corporation . The game is the fourth challenge in the main franchise of the Counter-Strike series . Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released on August 21, 2012, and was made available for Microsoft Windows and OS 10 on Steam , on Xbox Live Arcade , and the US version only on the PlayStation Network . The Linux version was released in September 2014 and is the latest version of the series but there are a few updates to the game. The game is distinguished from other classic content, as modified versions of classic maps, as well as new maps, characters and modes of play. It was planned to have multiple platformsBetween Windows, OS 10, Linux, and PlayStation 3, but it was ultimately limited to the Windows operating system, OS 10 and Linux due to differences in the AC update between systems. The PlayStation version offers three modes of control input, which include using the DualShock 3 controller , PlayStation Move or USB keyboard / mouse / gamepad.

    11 october 2019 22:47 1628

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