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    Negativity in the forum

    Hey guys, I just came back after a 2 month break of Gamehag. Gamehag is still as corrupt as it was, but the forums have just becomen a dirtier place. A lot of downvotes, bad spelling, etcetera. Please try to at least keep the forum a happy place!

    15 july 2019 10:59 1628

    The downvotes are most likely people marking posts as spam as some people do that to mark reported posts. As for the negativity coming from people, maybe it's best just to either let them be for to be reported for spam or just report them the mods. Also, welcome back!

    15 july 2019 11:05 1628

    Probably that's what it is. The mobile app has no report button, so people are only left with a dislike button...

    15 july 2019 11:06 1628

    and to claim the discord chest you need to have at least coolected 200 SG. seems gamehag hates beginners...

    17 july 2019 14:40 1628

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