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    Rate this article "Yakuza Kiwami 2 review"

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    bojan_savic, 8 december 2018 22:24

    Yakuza Kiwami 2 review

    The Yakuza series has long been offering the GTA experience in Japanese fashion, with loud shouts, funny situations and crazy fights. Kiwami 2 of course does not fall out of these rails.

    What is the game here about?

    Yakuza Kiwami 2 is the second part production of the series created in a new starter (Dragon engine used for Yakuza 6) with improved combat, additional parts of the story and mini-game. Genre is an action-adventure beat 'em up with RPG progress elements. The basic story can be over in the course of 15 hours, but with numerous mini games the duration of the game is very easy to extend to 40 hours.

    Yakuza is one of those series that we have to wait in the West for months and even years for Japanese players. The same thing in the rising sun is behind the name Ryu Gotoka, which in a free translation means "Like a dragon" and has a fairly good status among the local population. The series is known for its open folder, tense fighting, crazy mini-games, and the impact of Japanese yakuza films. So far, seven main parts have been dropped from zero to six, and is currently under construction by Shin Ryu Gotoka without a specific release date.

    The Yakuza Kiwami 2 features a perfect harmony of snapshots through the main story and Japanese genius / madness during side-by-side mini games and content. The story of Kiwamia 2 was taken from the second part of the series, and we re-enter it in the leather shoes of charming Kiryu Kazume, a member of Tojo Clan Yakuza.

    The Yakuza Kiwami 2 features a perfect harmony of snapshots through the main story and Japanese genius / madness during side-by-side mini games and content.

    If you have not played the first part or even its remake (Yakuza Kiwami), do not worry that you will feel lost when you turn on Kiwami 2. The game offers the ability to watch a few animated sequences from previous events. Of course, you do not have to do this, but this part is pretty well embedded in the story itself by visiting the cemetery and remembering the events from before, which is why I give a small compliment from the Sega team.

    The story is a typical cliché of honesty with several twists performed in the style of Yakuza films from the eighties. Although this would sound like alarm for some, I must confess that I really enjoyed everything from loud crying in Japanese to learning the code of the Yakuza.

    The story is a typical cliché of honesty with several twists performed in the Yakuza style of the 80s.

    My big game victory is the availability of voice only to Japanese characters, which undoubtedly contributes to the authenticity of the language, especially in situations of fierce discussion faded. Perhaps the only objection is going out of the scene and switching to the situation engine of the display, besides the drastic fall of the visual side, we also lose voice acting and we get typed squares with text.

    During the fight, besides the mentioned fists, the surrounding benches, sticks, bullets, and anything else will also fly. The fight is quite diverse with numerous combo, weapons, and special attacks that can be used alternately in any fight. Everything can be quite chaotic, but by and by, crappy, fun as we compile opponents for the opponent.

    For example, we can have two opponents to strike one from the other, run to the order of parked bicycles and kick them to the enemies, and finally get help in pushing the opponent between the loud bust of a random pass that will give him a huge squat to the instant KO.

    The biggest minus struggle is a small amount of heavier boss opponents.

    The biggest melee in the fight is a small amount of heavier boss opponents, while most of the other enemies will win without excessive weight and maximum available weight in the beginning. With the release of the game an additional level of difficulty is opened, but this is an unnecessary step forward for the team that wants to challenge.

    A good part of special attacks and opportunities are opened up to the advancement and collection of experience. Apart from executing standard main and secondary missions, advancing points can also be collected by eating food at a number of restaurants in the city. Of course, it is not possible to eat to an inexperienced someone we have a clear indication of the stomach's main character's likeness, and it is used to activities such as running on the street and more to fighting against the enemy.

    Apart from performing standard main and secondary missions, the advancement points can be collected and fed by restaurants.

    Thanks to this, a small ecosystem is created to play with you to regularly engage with street enemies instead of stealing them, since in turn, in addition to money, you become more hungry, which means that you will soon get new points for progress.

    As I mentioned in the introduction, in addition to a rather serious story, there is a mountain of bizarre situations through subordinate missions that you can only imagine in Japan. A visit to adult maternity where the big knotted guys in diapers play the children, help the screaming person and seek new trousers or set the traps to catch the thief of a woman's panties are just some of the situations you will encounter on the streets of the city. I do not remember when he last played me to really laugh at all the voice, but Kiwami 2 did it in a couple of occasions.

    A visit to adult nursing where nodular types of diapers play children or hunt for thieves are just some of the bizarre situations in this game.

    Apart from side missions, the Yakuza series often brings a whole arsenal of mini-games scattered around the city. Bring a darts to a bar or try karaoke, go to the golf course, play Virtual Fighter 2 in arcade games, or throw a pile of poker money; The simple game offers so many different content that everyone will find something for themselves.

    However, in the two mini-games, more resources were spent than in the other, namely the defense of the construction site and the management of the cabaret club. When defending a construction site, we are playing a strategy and moving the characters to a folder to protect their resources. Over time, we can gather more different combatants with different characteristics, but the enemies will become more difficult and smarter.

    The greatest amount of time I invested in leading the cabaret club. Gameplay is based on a kind of simulation approach to managing girls who need to get as much as one person's money out of one night. This segment also has a background story, competition, rivalry and the ability to recruit new girls, ultimately making a whole game for themselves that could be sold separately.

    And this is precisely the greatest power of Yakuze Kiwami 2: diversity. The game offers hours and hours of different content you are looking for. Whether you're a fan of dramatic stories, good street fighting or just wanting to spend time singing a karaoke song - the new Yakuza offers you that freedom. Kiwami 2 is the perfect part to jump into the Yakuza series and try out the open world game that is done in a typical Japanese way, snappy and fun.

    Rate this article Yakuza Kiwami 2 review

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    finally for pc right?

    10 december 2018 23:49

    Nice article great photos Sounds Interesting

    11 december 2018 09:14

    If you have not played the first part or even its remake (Yakuza Kiwami), do not worry that you will feel lost when you turn on Kiwami 2.

    9 april 2019 23:27

    Sounds intresting maybe i might get it

    11 december 2018 04:28

    sound interesting man, write more in the future bro

    9 december 2018 06:59