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    Rate this article "Review of the Assassin’s Creed: Unity"

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    sejozmaj, 30 december 2018 15:45

    Review of the Assassin’s Creed: Unity


    After the launch of Ubisoft's most powerful series, Assassin's Creed Unity, gives an interesting critique to the commentary that the Assassin's order should not be fought in politics or bound to the nations. Interesting is this comment and definitely encourages thinking. For before the French Revolution, the Assassins are quite looming in politics, and we all know that politics often leads to complicity.

    Because of this, the situation is such that in Assassin's Creed Unity we have more intrigued stories that are not equally interesting. Namely, we have a story about Paris from the end of the 18th century, we have a love fabric between the main character Arno and his lady Elise; both within the existing saga of Assassins and Templars, and then on top of all the story of the templar company Abstergo and their projects in the present.


    Unity wants to be interesting on all these fronts, but as if it can not decide what is most important to him. Arno and Elise are, for example, nice characters, but only at the very end they begin to develop mutual chemistry, while their relationship before them is somehow artificial. After all, what should be their main obstacle - that they are on opposing sides - is not at all shown as such, no one simply opposes to their "forbidden love". And she's far from the theatrical, as I personally expected after the excellent tracker Elisa discovered. In the end, not only does not have that tension from the tracker but in the game there is not even that event that is being displayed.

    The part with modern templars from Abstergo is now already too redundant to be reduced to several animations and has no important significance for the wider context of the action. There is no longer a separate person to manage with, and on the one hand it is better because you focus more easily on Arno. If nothing, at least the story of the revolution is done well, and that's what keeps the lines of the Assassin's Creed Unity. However, it is better done through co-operative and secondary missions than the ones that are major for one player. But no matter what, it gives you a really rich insight into this important historical and cultural period for France. You will meet French sights, celebrities such as Marquis de Sade and Napoleon, as well as the times of the day through various newspaper articles and the like.


    Paris is incredible, with crowds of people (and animals) on the streets. Every part of the city has something to stand out, and you can really see everything from beautiful parks to muddy slums. The map is huge, the activity has a lot, but if you played the previous Black Flag you will feel that there's still a lot of diversity there. You are constantly on your feet (no riding, no vehicles, no vessels) and constantly within a similar architecture, and the fact that you can enter into individual buildings does not mean so much. It would be more useful if we could visit the surrounding villages.

    Black Flag smiled a bit here and proved to be true that Ubisoft would be hard to overcome the freedom he has achieved with this sequel.It's just that you can occasionally visit Paris at other times. They are not so called. Time Anomaly mission especially special in structure - you just need to come from one point to another, but they are interesting because they bring something different just to relax a bit from one and the same tasks. However, although tasks are more or less the same throughout the game, you can not say they are monotonous because you have more ways to solve a mission, that is how to reach your target.


    A great shift was made by introducing weight for missions. You can not choose the weight yourself, but you can, for example, be taken to a more demanding mission without advanced skills and equipment, and in addition to completing it in this way, it's more rewarding for you. It can be said that the system of challenges and awards is generally much better developed than before. With money you have a lot to buy, but you'll always have to make some effort to get to it. For example, most suitcases with "mild" are not available now without lockpick skills and lockpick.

    The game rewards you if you perform additional tasks, but does not forgive if you play without a plan. You can no longer surround yourself with a pile of enemies and solve them all with counterattacks because they will not wait to sort them individually but finally attack how they should. Firearms are far more lethal and you must be skillful and creative when escaping, otherwise a bullet is waiting for you in the back.

    Moreover, in the main missions there is no "cowardly" killing from a distance (gun, etc.), but it is required that each target be executed on the classic Assassin mode - hidden blade. Accordingly, stealth is a little improved with a separate squeegee button, different features of the equipment, a ghost position that appears where the enemy saw you last time, etc. Still, what has not worked out is the artificial intelligence of the enemies who still incredibly easily sniff and bite the blade.


    The fast movement of the so-called parkour is somewhat more fluid with new animations, although in many cases this does not work as it is conceived, because in an automated process, the character can do something that you did not want. Or the contrary - to refuse to do what you want. The worst and most profound is to enter a window for which you need to be surgically precise, otherwise you will end up above it. Controls for lowering a set of objects are a good addition, but most often it works just like before - instead of letting you figure on the edge, you will immediately hang on it. But as the camera tracks it and automatically sets it behind your back, when you ground it anyway you have to turn it around, which is not really fluid when you're in the pursuit. These problems, however, are a strain on the technical irregularities of the game.


    The truth is that Assassin's Creed Unity is currently one of the nicest available games on offer, but it is also one of the most optimistic. And while Ubisoft deserved criticism for such a practice, Assassin's Creed Unity was somewhat undeservedly "stunned". Because, in addition to all the bugs, the inevitability and the excessive complication of the story, Unity has managed to be a massive and innovative game. Successfully integrated the cooperative multiplayer, brought a smarter designed missions system and, above all, an incredible presentation, with elements that nobody tried to reach until now. None of this justifies Ubisoft's greed to throw out the game as soon as possible, although technically unadorned, but nevertheless represents the fact that this is a good progress for the series.

    Rate this article Review of the Assassin’s Creed: Unity

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    very nice

    26 march 2019 21:43

    i like this game so much, as i love all assasin's creeds

    12 february 2021 19:57

    Oh yes, i am a HUGE fan of assassin's Creed! keep the good work on other articles!

    20 march 2019 09:26

    I just get free and start to play. nice game

    21 april 2019 15:37

    Amazing article i hope it gets accepted.

    22 february 2019 18:06