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    faishal, 24 october 2017 14:15

    How to Refund Your Steam Games

    If you are disappointed to buy games that you have purchased with steam, go to this article

    Steam is a distributor of Valve digital games by purchasing via online payment with download media. With Steam, attempted to rampant game piracy can be suppressed. How it works by downloading the software Steam, so it can be checked and immediately buy the existing game.steam itself is also familiar to the ears familiar to our ears, especially the original game lovers.

    But not all games that we buy in accordance with the expectations we want

     Are you among those who are not satisfied with the game you have purchased at steam so you need a refund? Is the purchased game not supporting your computer / laptop? Do not worry about the products in the steam so we can request a refund without spending tax money or 100% money back.
    but this policy also has defined rules:

    1. The time you spend playing less than 2 hours
    2. Can not return game purchased by gift and code
    3. Unable to refund after 2 weeks from start of purchase

    By avoiding it you can already restore the game you have purchased.
    But how to do it?

    1. Make sure your account is logged.
    2. Go to [Steam Help] page (https://help.steampowered.com/)
    3. Select the Game you want to refund.
    4. After selecting the game you want to refund, choose I want to request a refund.
    5. Then select the reason why you want to restore the game.
    6. After that submit requst.
    7. You will receive a steam confirmation email that you have returned the money on the game.
    8. You will wait for the money you get from the game that you have returned 24 hours fastest and the longest 2 weeks depending on the game developer.

    That's how to return a game that has been purchased in steam and do not worry about the game you have refunded you can buy it back.

    Rate this article How to Refund Your Steam Games

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    thanks for this i didn't know to refund the game that my brother bought :/

    16 july 2020 16:29

    thanks , this help me

    13 july 2020 23:10

    Did anyone used this method so far?

    25 april 2022 13:21

    Super helpful!

    1 august 2020 15:13

    thanks now i know this for if i need it🙃

    31 october 2021 16:36