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    SirSKULL, 23 october 2017 20:29

    Bloons TD Battles

    Welcome To Bloons TD Battles 

    Bloons TD Battles
    The TD stands for Tower Defense.

    This game has monkeys instead of towers.

    You get waves of Bloons and your strategies to stay alive.

    There is an in-game currency called medals you buy stuff and unlock the new tier of towers and level them up by spending medals.

    They got a Battle spin every 8 hours you get medals or a ticket to a club Battle.

    Battle spin is like lucky wheel spin to get free stuff.

    Club battle cost the same amount of medals but are a lot more difficult think of it like a super battle everything double.

    There are many versions in the game Defense mode, Assault mode, Battle Arena, Card battles.

    Bloons Level

    Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Black, Rainbow, then enforced Bloons and big balloons that have few small ones.

    Bloon types

    Normal: Has no special effect.

    Camo: Invisible to some Towers, specifically the ones that don't have the capability to detect Camo Bloons.

    Quick: move really fast just like the normal ones but a lot faster.

    Camo/Quick: Owns both Camo and Quick properties.

    There are three leaderboards one for World second for Region third for Prestige.

    They end weekly you get medals for each one.

    If you Rank between 1000-1 or so.

    It's free on Steam and IOS/Android.

    Rate this article Bloons TD Battles

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    Nice article it explains bloons td battles for begginers

    9 march 2020 17:09

    it is really good for beginners I am not a beginner I play Bloons TD battles and Bloons TD 6 really good games play it it is really fun hope you like the game too :)

    22 october 2021 20:05