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    Rate this article "Don't Starve Together: game review"

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    LirCZE, 14 january 2019 17:47

    Don't Starve Together: game review

    The best thing about this game is that, along with her purchase, you can send a second copy to a friend for free. And at this price, it's a very generous offer because you will spend hours on this game. The game is very similar to other Don't Starve titles and is designed specifically for a multiplayer experience. In his category he is probably one of the best.

    Note: Since for first time are my articles wrongly refused because plagiarism I say in beginning that this article is original made by me. Only one similar text is in Czech language but shorter and with fewer details as review publicized on steam with my account.

    Even though the game is done in a classic 2D drawing scheme, it looks very good, the individual areas are characteristic and in the overall combination creates the impression of a unique look. The alternation of the season tells the locales a change in appearance and things to focus on.

    Game system:
    Collecting is the most important element. From the object you collect, you will create other items, collecting them with other things so you can consume them and do them again. At the same time, you have to look for food so that you can eat and guard you live because is hard to survive. There are several characters to choose from, each of which has specific features and uses, and the combination is key to your survival.

    Enemies and environment:
    The map in this game comes alive, everything can move or change. Enemies are a great variety, each behaves according to a certain scheme so that all can be defeated even if heavily. Besides, you can also hit various disasters such as a fire, an earthquake or a meteor swarm, so do not worry, you will never be completely safe.

    The advantage of this game is probably the possibility of modes that make it easier for you to play or add new things that will increase the entertainment of the whole Don't Starve. The modes simply go out of the steam workshop and install themselves, so you can choose the ones you want to use.

    Multiplayer is a very important element in this game. Although you can play alone, this title is multiplayer. The game is very complex and the amount of power that you will need against bosses, weather or natural disaster's comes in number. If you want you always can join servers belong to other players and play with them but those servers are shut down when owner shut down the game. The community is pretty big so there exist tons of dedicated servers so if you look for 24 hours services that is your thing.

    An endless struggle to survive by yourself and your friends in a ruthless world that is trying to kill you by all means. Only your skills are between death and bitter miseries.

    //Please rate and comment this article
    /Screenshots are made by me, directly from the game 
    (steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/322330/Dont_Starve_Together/ )

    Rate this article Don't Starve Together: game review

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    DST ! Fun game!

    17 january 2019 20:31

    nice article with good pics

    15 january 2019 11:22

    I watch ItsFunneh play Don't Starve Together but I don't really like the graphics that much...

    23 november 2019 01:20

    Nice game but i'm still not used to ths kind of graphicss :) !

    17 january 2019 20:23

    worth trying

    1 april 2020 19:47

    good layout.

    9 february 2020 14:51

    best coop game

    14 august 2020 11:06

    this is one of the most fun surrvival games i really like its and its so enjoyble you can play it and have ltos of fun hf dude!

    5 march 2020 08:54

    Nice game but i'm still not used to this kind of graphics

    17 january 2019 19:50

    Good layout.

    18 january 2019 06:18