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    How it works

    What do they surveyers think?

    I don't know how many times now I've completed +80% of a survey when they drop the "Ow you're not the one we where looking for" BS... give me 80% of the payout then or get to the the point right away instead of collecting the data and then shit on me for your inability to ask relevant questions to start with. Sometimes I think it's a scheme to collect data without paying but then I realize how small the payout is so why even bother right? Sorry for the rant, just frustrating as f**k.

    1 september 2017 20:14 1628

    I have done the quiz thing, I wasted 10 minutes on it, 15/15 answered correctly but the survey didnt reward me with SG

    2 september 2017 02:41 1628

    I tried to do a few, one didn't work, four said I'm not the target audiance of the survey. I'll just stick to the articles.

    2 september 2017 09:36 1628

    Not being the target audiance is what I get most of the time... just shitty when it's not within the first few minutes but 80+% in and 20 minutes wasted on questions that is then not rewarded.

    2 september 2017 10:29 1628

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